Brisbane, Australia
Bradley Cock
Patent Attorney
Patents: Engineering & ICT
+61 7 3011 2200
Brad holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering and Physics with Honours from the Queensland University of Technology. Brad has industry experience working alongside professional engineers across different disciplines and...
Brad holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering and Physics with Honours from the Queensland University of Technology. Brad has...
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Sydney, Australia
Emilie David
European Qualified Patent Attorney
Patents: Engineering & ICT
+61 2 9393 0100
Emilie completed a Master’s Degree in mechanical and automation Engineering at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées of Rennes (France), as well as a Bachelor of Science at the...
Emilie completed a Master’s Degree in mechanical and automation Engineering at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées of Rennes...
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Brisbane, Australia
Dr. Jay Rasmussen
Patent Attorney
Patents: Chemical & Life Science
+61 7 3011 2200
Jay completed his PhD in Cellular Neuroscience at the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen focusing on the roles of beta-amyloid in cerebral amyloidosis and Alzheimer’s disease. This work included the...
Jay completed his PhD in Cellular Neuroscience at the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen focusing on the roles of beta-amyloid...
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Brisbane, Australia
Dr. Maureen Lobo
Patent Attorney
Patents: Chemical
+61 7 3011 2200
Maureen completed a PhD at the University of Otago in New Zealand in 2018 focusing on supramolecular metal complexes of pyridine-hydrazone oligomers. Her research involved the complexation of pyridine-hydrazone...
Maureen completed a PhD at the University of Otago in New Zealand in 2018 focusing on supramolecular metal complexes...
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Sydney, Australia
Nadhia Gotama
Patent Scientist
Patents: Chemical & Life Science
+61 2 9393 0100
Nadhia holds a joint Master degree in Industrial Chemistry with a specialisation in Biochemistry from the Technical University of Munich and National University of Singapore (TUM-Asia). Her thesis discusses...
Nadhia holds a joint Master degree in Industrial Chemistry with a specialisation in Biochemistry from the Technical University of...
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Sydney, Australia
Alejandro Vidal
Patent Engineer
Patents: Engineering & ICT
+61 2 9393 0100
Alejandro has completed a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at Universidad de Chile (Santiago, Chile) as well as a Mechanical Engineering Professional Degree at the same university. His...
Alejandro has completed a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at Universidad de Chile (Santiago, Chile) as well as...
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Sydney, Australia
Debendra Acharya
Patent Engineer
Patents: Engineering
+61 2 9393 0100
Debendra holds Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Engineering from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. His undergraduate degree focused on Mechanical Design and Drafting, Fluid Mechanics and Hydromechanical Engineering, Material Science and Manufacturing...
Debendra holds Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Engineering from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. His undergraduate degree focused on Mechanical Design and...
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Brisbane, Australia
Dr. Kristine Hua
Patent Scientist
Patents: Chemical & Life Sciences
+61 7 3011 2200
Kristine completed her PhD in Tumour Immunology & Virology at the University of Queensland, focusing on the development of a fully human monoclonal antibody to the Epstein-Barr virus. Her...
Kristine completed her PhD in Tumour Immunology & Virology at the University of Queensland, focusing on the development of...
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Brisbane, Australia
Candice Noring
Trade Mark Practitioner
Trade Marks
Candice is a trade mark practitioner working in Spruson & Ferguson’s Brisbane team.  She is experienced in advising clients on trade mark portfolio strategy, and provides value through her expertise...
Candice is a trade mark practitioner working in Spruson & Ferguson’s Brisbane team.  She is experienced in advising clients on...
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Sydney, Australia
Riya Mathew
Trade Mark Practitioner
Trade Marks
+61 2 9393 0100
Riya is a Trade Mark Practitioner working in Spruson & Ferguson’s Sydney team. She is experienced in advising clients on trade mark prosecution matters for Australian and New Zealand trade...
Riya is a Trade Mark Practitioner working in Spruson & Ferguson’s Sydney team. She is experienced in advising clients on...
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