A Spruson & Ferguson IP attorney in our Hong Kong office can provide specialist intellectual property related services across multiple industries and all fields of technology. Our highly-trained patent and trade mark attorneys in Hong Kong are also experts in providing design registration for regional and international clients.

Hong Kong

+852 2810 0933
5001 Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
(no postcode required)
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Hong Kong, China
Robert Jackson
Principal, Director Greater China
Patents: Chemical & Life Science
+852 2161 9999 robert.jackson@spruson.com
Prior to joining Spruson and Ferguson, Hong Kong, Robert had a diverse career. He worked as a synthetic organic chemist at a high profile biotechnology startup before transitioning to…
Prior to joining Spruson and Ferguson, Hong Kong, Robert had a diverse career. He worked as a synthetic organic…
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Hong Kong, China
Charis Lam
Trade Marks
+852 2161 9999 charis.lam@spruson.com
Charis holds a Juris Doctor and Postgraduate Certificate in Laws from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is qualified as a solicitor in Hong Kong. Charis has experience in trade…
Charis holds a Juris Doctor and Postgraduate Certificate in Laws from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is…
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Hong Kong, China
May Chan
Trade Marks
+852 2161 9999 may.chan@spruson.com
May Chan received her Bachelor of Laws degree and Postgraduate Certificate in Laws from the University of Hong Kong. She was admitted as a solicitor of the High Court…
May Chan received her Bachelor of Laws degree and Postgraduate Certificate in Laws from the University of Hong Kong….
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Hong Kong IP Services

Our reputation as a leading IP firm has allowed us to attract and retain some of the best talent in Hong Kong who combine outstanding academic credentials and technical expertise with long-standing IP experience and specialist local knowledge. 

Our Hong Kong team is highly familiar with the local IP laws and are able to assist clients with IP protection, management and enforcement within the region.


A Hong Kong patent can be a useful addition to an IP portfolio. A Spruson & Ferguson specialist patent attorney in Hong Kong can advise you on the patentability of your idea or invention and will manage the entire patent application process on your behalf.

Trade Marks

If you need a trade mark attorney, the Hong Kong office has specialists with outstanding real-world industry experience. Our trade mark attorneys in Hong Kong can advise on all aspects of the trade mark lifecycle, from filing registration, conducting renewals, revocations and providing infringement advice.

Design Registration

Officially registering your design means that you are in a stronger position if a third party starts making or otherwise trading in a design that is similar to your own. Our Spruson & Ferguson Hong Kong office can manage your design process, with design registration in Hong Kong and Macau providing protections of a maximum of 25 years from the filing date.

IP Litigation

IP owners can bring civil cases for IP infringement in Hong Kong’s courts. Should you require the assistance of a patent lawyer in Hong Kong or a litigator for any other IP matter, our expert Spruson & Ferguson patent attorneys can provide you with a referral to assist. Patent lawyers in Hong Kong, and other IP litigators understand the varying legal and court systems of the region and are able to assist you in taking enforcement action.

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