We have experience representing consumer product companies across a broad range of industries including automotive, cosmetic, health, consumer electronics and computer software. Key market players entrust Spruson & Ferguson with their intellectual property portfolio across the region.

Our patent attorneys have extensive experience filing and prosecuting food and beverage related patents, including dairy, milk and milk-solids, yeast, wheat and grains, fats, oils and lipids, natural and artificial sweeteners, proteins and amino acids as well as patent technologies relating to food and beverage preparation, storage and packaging.

The Spruson & Ferguson trade marks team have been providing intellectual property services and advice to some of the world’s oldest and most innovative food and beverage brands. Our knowledge and expertise includes food labelling, packaging, marketing and product development, brand creation, trade mark registration and protection, trade mark infringement proceedings, searching, clearances, watching services and renewals.

Key Team Members View More
Singapore, Singapore
Choo Chiou Yu
Principal, Director Singapore, Chemical Practice Group Leader Asia
Patents: Chemical & Life Science
+65 6333 7200 chiouyu.choo@spruson.com
Chiou Yu is Head of the Chemical team in Asia and is a registered Singapore patent attorney. Chiou Yu has extensive experience in patent practice in Asia and assists…
Chiou Yu is Head of the Chemical team in Asia and is a registered Singapore patent attorney. Chiou Yu…
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Sydney, Australia
Dr Mike Zammit
Principal, Chemical / Life Sciences Leader Australia
Patents: Chemical & Life Science
+61 2 9393 0100 mike.zammit@spruson.com
Mike joined Spruson & Ferguson in October 2020 after 16 years of experience in another leading Australian IP firm. Mike is a registered patent attorney specialising in the chemical sciences….
Mike joined Spruson & Ferguson in October 2020 after 16 years of experience in another leading Australian IP firm. Mike…
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Continuing on from the first webinar starting the series, the building blocks of an IP strategy and case studies, join us as we bring you the next steps in…
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