Brisbane, Australia
Andrew Cale
Patents: Engineering & ICT, Designs
+61 7 3011 2200
Andrew has more than 20 years of experience in patents, trade marks and designs specialising in the fields of information and communications technology, signal and data processing, mechanical engineering,...
Andrew has more than 20 years of experience in patents, trade marks and designs specialising in the fields of...
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Brisbane, Australia
Dr. Brad Postma
Patents: Engineering & ICT, Designs
+61 7 3011 2200
Brad helps businesses to make money from inventions. He specialises in patenting products so that they cannot be copied. Brad has prepared hundreds of patent applications for Australia’s largest...
Brad helps businesses to make money from inventions. He specialises in patenting products so that they cannot be copied....
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Brisbane, Australia
Brendan Nugent
Patents: Chemical & Life Sciences
+61 7 3011 2200
Brendan has almost 30 years’ experience as an IP professional, with particular and extensive experience in both the biotech and chemistry sectors. He commenced his career at IP Australia, where...
Brendan has almost 30 years’ experience as an IP professional, with particular and extensive experience in both the biotech...
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Brisbane, Australia
Dr. Doug Horton
Patents: Chemical & Life Science
+61 7 3011 2200
Doug has more than a decade’s experience in prosecuting and securing Intellectual Property rights and assisting with IP enforcement. His practice predominantly involves working with Australian companies and organisations...
Doug has more than a decade’s experience in prosecuting and securing Intellectual Property rights and assisting with IP enforcement....
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Brisbane, Australia
Ernest Graf
Patents: Engineering & ICT, Designs
+61 7 3011 2200
Ernie has over 20 years patent and trade mark experience specialising in mechanical and electrical fields of technology, including computer software and telecommunications. Ernie is a registered patent attorney...
Ernie has over 20 years patent and trade mark experience specialising in mechanical and electrical fields of technology, including...
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Brisbane, Australia
Dr James Beckett
Patents: Chemical & Life Sciences
+61 7 3011 2200
James completed a PhD in Organic Chemistry at the University of Queensland, focusing on the chemical synthesis of steroidal compounds. This research was applied to elucidate the function of...
James completed a PhD in Organic Chemistry at the University of Queensland, focusing on the chemical synthesis of steroidal...
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Brisbane, Australia
Dr. Alexandre Francois
Patent Attorney
Patents: ICT
+61 7 3011 2200
Alexandre completed a Bachelor of Material Sciences and Engineering at Institute of Science and Technique of Grenoble (Grenoble, France) and the University of Texas at Austin (Austin, USA), a...
Alexandre completed a Bachelor of Material Sciences and Engineering at Institute of Science and Technique of Grenoble (Grenoble, France)...
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Brisbane, Australia
Bradley Cock
Patent Attorney
Patents: Engineering & ICT
+61 7 3011 2200
Brad holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering and Physics with Honours from the Queensland University of Technology. Brad has industry experience working alongside professional engineers across different disciplines and...
Brad holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering and Physics with Honours from the Queensland University of Technology. Brad has...
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