Brisbane, Australia
Dr. Alexandre Francois
Patent Attorney
Patents: ICT
+61 7 3011 2200
Alexandre completed a Bachelor of Material Sciences and Engineering at Institute of Science and Technique of Grenoble (Grenoble, France) and the University of Texas at Austin (Austin, USA), a...
Alexandre completed a Bachelor of Material Sciences and Engineering at Institute of Science and Technique of Grenoble (Grenoble, France)...
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Jakarta, Indonesia
Archi Rifella
Senior Patent Scientist
Patents: Chemical & Life Science
+62 21 252 3853
Archi Rifella is a patent scientist in Spruson & Ferguson’s Indonesia patent team. Archi is involved in conducting specification reviews in the substantive stage on Chemical and Life Science patents. Archi...
Archi Rifella is a patent scientist in Spruson & Ferguson’s Indonesia patent team. Archi is involved in conducting specification reviews in...
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Singapore, Singapore
Alan Ho Soon Hong
Patent Engineer
Patents: Engineering & ICT
+65 6333 7200
Alan Ho graduated from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) with a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical & Electronic) (Hons). As an undergraduate, he completed his industrial attachment with a power engineering...
Alan Ho graduated from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) with a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical & Electronic) (Hons). As an...
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Sydney, Australia
Alejandro Vidal
Patent Engineer
Patents: Engineering & ICT
+61 2 9393 0100
Alejandro has completed a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at Universidad de Chile (Santiago, Chile) as well as a Mechanical Engineering Professional Degree at the same university. His...
Alejandro has completed a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at Universidad de Chile (Santiago, Chile) as well as...
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Jakarta, Indonesia
Ahmad Husein Alkaff
Patent Scientist
Patents: Chemical & Life Science
+62 21 252 3853
Husein is a patent scientist in Spruson & Ferguson’s Indonesia patent team. Husein’s practice focuses in conducting the specification review of patent application in substantive stage. The main patent...
Husein is a patent scientist in Spruson & Ferguson’s Indonesia patent team. Husein’s practice focuses in conducting the specification...
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Singapore, Singapore
Dr. Alex Gan
Patent Scientist
Patents: Chemical & Life Science
+65 6333 7200
Alex graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Chemistry from the National University of Singapore (NUS). He then pursued his postgraduate education at NUS in Medicinal Chemistry. His...
Alex graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Chemistry from the National University of Singapore (NUS). He then...
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Singapore, Singapore
Dr. Alicia Cui Yajing
Patent Scientist
Patents: Chemical & Life Sciences
+65 6333 7200
Alicia is a Patent Scientist in our Chemical and Life Sciences team. Alicia obtained Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from Lanzhou University, China. During her undergraduate study, she...
Alicia is a Patent Scientist in our Chemical and Life Sciences team. Alicia obtained Bachelor of Science degree in...
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Singapore, Singapore
Dr. Cheng Ai Ling
Patent Scientist
Patents: Chemical & Life Science
+65 6333 7200
Ai Ling graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Honours with Distinction) in Life Sciences with a Specialisation in Biomedical Science from the National University of Singapore (NUS). Her undergraduate...
Ai Ling graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Honours with Distinction) in Life Sciences with a Specialisation in Biomedical...
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Hong Kong, China
Amy Lu
Trademark & Design Agent
Trade Marks, Designs
+852 2161 9999
Amy has more than 20 years’ experience specialising in intellectual property matters worldwide, mostly in Greater China and throughout Asia.  Her extensive working experience covers both trademarks and design...
Amy has more than 20 years’ experience specialising in intellectual property matters worldwide, mostly in Greater China and throughout...
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