Singapore, Singapore
Alex Gan
Patent Scientist
Patents: Chemical & Life Science
+65 6333 7200
Alex graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Chemistry from the National University of Singapore (NUS). He then pursued his postgraduate education at NUS in Medicinal Chemistry. His...
Alex graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Chemistry from the National University of Singapore (NUS). He then...
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Brisbane, Australia
Dr. Jay Rasmussen
Patent Attorney
Patents: Chemical & Life Science
+61 7 3011 2200
Jay completed his PhD in Cellular Neuroscience at the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen focusing on the roles of beta-amyloid in cerebral amyloidosis and Alzheimer’s disease. This work included the...
Jay completed his PhD in Cellular Neuroscience at the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen focusing on the roles of beta-amyloid...
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Brisbane, Australia
Bradley Cock
Patent Attorney
Patents: Engineering & ICT
+61 7 3011 2200
Brad holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering and Physics with Honours from the Queensland University of Technology. Brad has industry experience working alongside professional engineers across different disciplines and...
Brad holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering and Physics with Honours from the Queensland University of Technology. Brad has...
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Sydney, Australia
Nadhia Gotama
Patent Scientist
Patents: Chemical & Life Science
+61 2 9393 0100
Nadhia holds a joint Master degree in Industrial Chemistry with a specialisation in Biochemistry from the Technical University of Munich and National University of Singapore (TUM-Asia). Her thesis discusses...
Nadhia holds a joint Master degree in Industrial Chemistry with a specialisation in Biochemistry from the Technical University of...
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Sydney, Australia
Dr. David Hvasanov
Special Counsel
Patents: Chemical & Life Science
+61 2 9393 0100
David is an experienced patent attorney, specialising in drafting and prosecuting applications in mining technologies, nanoscale drug delivery systems, plasticisers, paint compositions, pharmaceuticals, clean and cement technologies, and AgTech. David...
David is an experienced patent attorney, specialising in drafting and prosecuting applications in mining technologies, nanoscale drug delivery systems,...
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Melbourne, Australia
Andrew Lowe
Patents: Engineering & ICT, Designs
+61 3 9067 0900
Andrew is a Principal specialising in the prosecution of patent and design applications in Australia and overseas; representing clients in oppositions; infringement and validity advice; litigation support in contentious...
Andrew is a Principal specialising in the prosecution of patent and design applications in Australia and overseas; representing clients...
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Sydney, Australia
Dr. Serena White
Senior Associate
Patents: Chemical & Life Science
+61 2 9393 0100
Serena has impressive credentials. Holding a Master of Chemistry degree and DPhil in Organic Chemistry, both from the University of Oxford (UK), she is also a European qualified patent...
Serena has impressive credentials. Holding a Master of Chemistry degree and DPhil in Organic Chemistry, both from the University...
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Sydney, Australia
Dr Jon Wright
Special Counsel
Patents: Chemical & Life Science
+61 2 9393 0100
Jon is a Special Counsel in the Chemical and Life Sciences team. He has experience in developing intellectual property strategies that suit a client's commercial objectives across a range...
Jon is a Special Counsel in the Chemical and Life Sciences team. He has experience in developing intellectual property...
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Sydney, Australia
Dr. Karen Heilbronn Lee
Patents: Chemical & Life Science
+61 2 9393 0100
Karen is a PhD-qualified Trans-Tasman (Australian and New Zealand) patent and trade mark attorney, with high level technical expertise in many aspects of the life sciences, more than a...
Karen is a PhD-qualified Trans-Tasman (Australian and New Zealand) patent and trade mark attorney, with high level technical expertise...
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