Singapore, Singapore
Choo Chiou Yu
Principal, Director Singapore, Chemical Practice Group Leader Asia
Patents: Chemical & Life Science
+65 6333 7200
Chiou Yu is Head of the Chemical team in Asia and is a registered Singapore patent attorney. Chiou Yu has extensive experience in patent practice in Asia and assists...
Chiou Yu is Head of the Chemical team in Asia and is a registered Singapore patent attorney. Chiou Yu...
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Sydney, Australia
Dr Mike Zammit
Principal, Chemical / Life Sciences Leader Australia
Patents: Chemical & Life Science
+61 2 9393 0100
Mike joined Spruson & Ferguson in October 2020 after 16 years of experience in another leading Australian IP firm. Mike is a registered patent attorney specialising in the chemical sciences....
Mike joined Spruson & Ferguson in October 2020 after 16 years of experience in another leading Australian IP firm. Mike...
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Sydney, Australia
Roseanne Mannion
Principal, Trade Marks Leader - Australia
Trade Marks
+61 2 9393 0100
Roseanne is a Trade Marks Principal and the leader of our Trade Marks team in Australia. Assisting clients with their brand protection strategies in Australia and overseas, she has extensive...
Roseanne is a Trade Marks Principal and the leader of our Trade Marks team in Australia. Assisting clients with their...
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Melbourne, Australia
Andrew Lowe
Patents: Engineering & ICT, Designs
+61 3 9067 0900
Andrew is a Principal specialising in the prosecution of patent and design applications in Australia and overseas; representing clients in oppositions; infringement and validity advice; litigation support in contentious...
Andrew is a Principal specialising in the prosecution of patent and design applications in Australia and overseas; representing clients...
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Sydney, Australia
Caroline Bommer
Patents: Engineering & ICT, Designs
+61 2 9393 0100
Caroline is a Principal specialising in mechanical engineering. She has extensive experience in both patents and designs and is renowned for her commercial acumen and exemplary client delivery. Caroline’s area...
Caroline is a Principal specialising in mechanical engineering. She has extensive experience in both patents and designs and is...
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Melbourne, Australia
Dr Catherine Winbanks
Patents: Chemical & Life Science
+61 3 9067 0900
Catherine Winbanks is a Principal in our Melbourne biotechnology team. Catherine specialises in patent matters for the biotechnology, agricultural and life sciences sectors. She practices in prosecuting and overseeing patent...
Catherine Winbanks is a Principal in our Melbourne biotechnology team. Catherine specialises in patent matters for the biotechnology, agricultural and...
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Sydney, Australia
Dr. Charles Tansey
Patents: Chemical & Life Science
+61 2 9393 0100
Charles is a Principal and experienced patent attorney with 25 years’ experience in the drafting, prosecution, enforcement and defence of patents in Australia and overseas. His technical experience across...
Charles is a Principal and experienced patent attorney with 25 years’ experience in the drafting, prosecution, enforcement and defence...
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Sydney, Australia
Dr. Daniel Sieveking
Patents: Chemical & Life Science
+61 2 9393 0100
Daniel Sieveking holds a Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours in medical microbiology and immunology from the University of New South Wales. Daniel’s doctoral studies were undertaken at...
Daniel Sieveking holds a Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours in medical microbiology and immunology from the University...
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Brisbane, Australia
Dr. Doug Horton
Patents: Chemical & Life Science
+61 7 3011 2200
Doug has more than a decade’s experience in prosecuting and securing Intellectual Property rights and assisting with IP enforcement. His practice predominantly involves working with Australian companies and organisations...
Doug has more than a decade’s experience in prosecuting and securing Intellectual Property rights and assisting with IP enforcement....
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Melbourne, Australia
Ean Blackwell
Patents: Chemical & Life Science
+61 3 9067 0900
Ean is a Principal in Spruson & Ferguson’s Chemical/Life Sciences team in Australia. He is an experienced patent attorney specialising in biotechnology, qualified to practice in Australia, New Zealand,...
Ean is a Principal in Spruson & Ferguson’s Chemical/Life Sciences team in Australia. He is an experienced patent attorney...
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Singapore, Singapore
Edwin Dai
Patents: Chemical
+65 6333 7200
Edwin is a Principal in the Chemical team. Edwin joined Spruson & Ferguson in 2007 and qualified as a patent attorney after passing the Patent Agent Qualifying Examinations in...
Edwin is a Principal in the Chemical team. Edwin joined Spruson & Ferguson in 2007 and qualified as a...
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