Caroline Bommer

Patents: Engineering & ICT, Designs
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Caroline is a Principal specialising in mechanical engineering. She has extensive experience in both patents and designs and is renowned for her commercial acumen and exemplary client delivery.

Caroline’s area of technical expertise is in mechanical engineering, having specialised at university in automated manufacturing systems and gas turbine technology.

Prior to joining the patent profession, Caroline acquired extensive engineering design and management experience with various companies, including the Smiths Industries Group in the UK and Australia. She was involved in the design and manufacture of components used in the building and transport industries including air moving systems, automotive original accessory equipment, building and construction hardware and security systems, as well as thermocouples and ignition systems for gas turbine engines, the latter being primarily for aerospace and defence applications.

Caroline has a keen interest in green technologies with many years’ personal involvement in solar car racing, and patent experience in water and waste water treatment. She also has experience in protecting medical devices and diagnostic technology via patents and registered designs.

Caroline is sought out by the largest and most recognisable brands across a number of sectors and is recognised by peers and clients alike for strategic no nonsense approach.

Caroline is a fellow of the Institute of Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys of Australia, a member of the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys, Asian Patent Attorneys Association, Intellectual Property Society of Australia and New Zealand, Institution of Engineers, Australia, and an Innovation Committee Member, Sydney Aerospace and Defence Interest Group (SADIG)

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