Investing in space inventions: patent protection for space technologies
There is a rapidly growing constellation of technology orbiting the Earth. From powering navigation systems that we take for granted such as GPS, to allowing us to peer into...
There is a rapidly growing constellation of technology orbiting the Earth. From powering navigation systems that we take for...
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South Korea signals intention to join the CPTPP (the “IP lite” TPP)
South Korea has recently decided to join the “CPTPP”, otherwise known as the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership.   The CPTPP is what remains of the “TPPA-11” (which...
South Korea has recently decided to join the “CPTPP”, otherwise known as the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific...
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IP Australia releases the Australian Intellectual Property Report 2022
IP Australia have just released their tenth edition of the 'Australian Intellectual Property Report' (the Report), and for those with an interest in the number of filings in the...
IP Australia have just released their tenth edition of the 'Australian Intellectual Property Report' (the Report), and for those...
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World IP Day – What the future holds for Australian innovation
This year, the theme for World IP Day 2022 is IP and Youth: innovating for a better future. Young people today offer new perspectives, curiosity and creativity in driving...
This year, the theme for World IP Day 2022 is IP and Youth: innovating for a better future. Young...
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Chocolate, bunnies and buns:  An eggs-amination of Easter related patents
It’s fast approaching Easter, and apart from being a Christian festival commemorating the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, and a couple of days off, what is it all about?...
It’s fast approaching Easter, and apart from being a Christian festival commemorating the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, and...
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Direct ‘.au’ domain names are here!
The long-awaited launch of the .au direct domain names (eg. commenced on 24 March 2022. If you already have a .au extension associated with your domain (eg.,
The long-awaited launch of the .au direct domain names (eg. commenced on 24 March 2022. If you already have...
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Re-patenting the prior art – how to avoid “reinventing the wheel”!
It is, unfortunately, a relatively common occurrence to find patent applications filed in which the inventor has discovered some unique characteristic or property of, say, a “new” composition they...
It is, unfortunately, a relatively common occurrence to find patent applications filed in which the inventor has discovered some...
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