Ironman 4×4 Pty Ltd v Australian Performance Development Pty Ltd [2013] ATMO 107
Registration of the combination mark of the words SAFARI SNORKEL and the three-dimensional shape by Australian Performance Development Pty Ltd (‘the Applicant’) was opposed by Ironman 4x4 Pty Ltd...
Registration of the combination mark of the words SAFARI SNORKEL and the three-dimensional shape by Australian Performance Development Pty...
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Apple Inc. v Metropage Pty Ltd [2013] ATMO 106
This decision concerned an opposition filed by Apple Inc under section 52 of the Trade Marks Act 1995 to the registration of the trade mark filed by Metropage Pty Ltd, being...
This decision concerned an opposition filed by Apple Inc under section 52 of the Trade Marks Act 1995 to the registration...
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Angelica Cota v East Side Clothing Co Pty Ltd [2013] ATMO 105
This case concerned an opposition to an application to remove a trade mark filed by East Side Clothing Pty Ltd. The mark that East Side sought to have removed...
This case concerned an opposition to an application to remove a trade mark filed by East Side Clothing Pty...
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Bugatti GmbH v BugatchiUomo Apparel, Inc. [2013] ATMO 102
This case concerned a notice of opposition filed in respect of an IRDA for the mark BUGATCHI UOMO for class 25 various clothing goods. The mark in the Application...
This case concerned a notice of opposition filed in respect of an IRDA for the mark BUGATCHI UOMO for...
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Steven R Smith v Car2go GmbH [2013] ATMO 103
Steven R Smith, owner of the trade marks “1800 CAR 2 GO” and “car2go” in Class 39 (Transport services; motor vehicle hire services) and “car2go” in Class 35 (Promotion...
Steven R Smith, owner of the trade marks “1800 CAR 2 GO” and “car2go” in Class 39 (Transport services;...
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Australian High Court Confirms Patentability of Medical Treatment Methods
A large number of countries exclude methods of medical treatment from patentability. This reflects an exception to the standard patent rationale of providing incentive for innovation.
A large number of countries exclude methods of medical treatment from patentability. This reflects an exception to the standard...
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Cash Converters Pty Ltd v Margo Chaille Webber [2013] ATMO 101
This matter concerned an opposition to an application to register a trade mark. The application was made in respect of classes 35 and 36, broadly for retail services, second-hand goods...
This matter concerned an opposition to an application to register a trade mark. The application was made in respect of...
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Methods of Treatment
The High Court of Australia, Australia’s highest court, has concluded that method of treatment claims can relate to patentable subject matter.
The High Court of Australia, Australia’s highest court, has concluded that method of treatment claims can relate to patentable...
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Landmark Judgement: Methods of Medical Treatment are Patentable
In a landmark decision1 the High Court of Australia has affirmed that methods of medical treatment of humans constitute patentable subject matter and, more specifically, that methods of medical...
In a landmark decision1 the High Court of Australia has affirmed that methods of medical treatment of humans constitute...
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Computer implemented business method patents – Where do we stand?
The patentability of computer related business methods in Australia was discussed in two recent Federal Court decisions: Research Affiliates and RPL Central. These decisions have created uncertainty in that...
The patentability of computer related business methods in Australia was discussed in two recent Federal Court decisions: Research Affiliates...
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