Third party actions under the New Zealand Patents Act 2013
As reported by Guy Tucker on 9 January 2014, starting on 13 September 2014 New Zealand will have a totally new statutory regime under which patents will be filed,...
As reported by Guy Tucker on 9 January 2014, starting on 13 September 2014 New Zealand will have a...
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IP Australia Releases 2014 Intellectual Property Report
IP Australia, the Australian Government department that manages Intellectual Property Rights in Australia has released a report on the state of play of Intellectual Property Rights in Australia up...
IP Australia, the Australian Government department that manages Intellectual Property Rights in Australia has released a report on the...
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Donzenac Pty Ltd v MCV Enviroworks Pty Ltd [2014] ATMO 42
This case concerned an opposition to the mark ENVIROBLANKET in respect of class 1 soil and related goods and class 37 landscaping and related services. The application was opposed on...
This case concerned an opposition to the mark ENVIROBLANKET in respect of class 1 soil and related goods and...
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What IP is in someone’s name?
If you follow the recent judgement of Kunc J in Leslie George Lobsey v Liverpool Plains Shire Council NSWSC 446, the answer to this question may well be:...
If you follow the recent judgement of Kunc J in Leslie George Lobsey v Liverpool Plains Shire Council ...
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Footwear Industries Pty Ltd v PT AlasmasBerkatUtama [2014] ATMO 41
This case concerned an opposition to an application to register the mark HEELA, in respect of boots, protective footwear and related goods in classes 9 and 25. The opponent was...
This case concerned an opposition to an application to register the mark HEELA, in respect of boots, protective footwear...
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Qantas Airways Limited v Luke Edwards [2014] ATMO 40
Qantas Airways Limited opposed an application by Mr Luke Edwards for the trade mark in relation to clothing in Class 25: The opponent is the owner of a plethora of...
Qantas Airways Limited opposed an application by Mr Luke Edwards for the trade mark in relation to clothing in...
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Takeda GmbH v Actegy Limited [2014] ATMO 38
Takeda GmbH relied on its prior REVESTIVE trade mark to partially succeed in an opposition against Actegy Limited’s application for REVITIVE. The REVITIVE application covered a range of goods in...
Takeda GmbH relied on its prior REVESTIVE trade mark to partially succeed in an opposition against Actegy Limited’s application...
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