Woodman Labs Inc (now GoPro, Inc) v Ross Walmsley [2015] ATMO 81
Woodman Labs opposed the registration of an application by Ross Walmsely for the trade mark covering alge and foodstuffs in Classes 29 and 30. Woodman Labs is the owner of...
Woodman Labs opposed the registration of an application by Ross Walmsely for the trade mark covering alge and foodstuffs...
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Texas Instruments Incorporated [2015] ATMO 80
This matter concerned a trade mark application filed by Texas Instruments Incorporated for the trade mark covering goods in Class 9. An Examiner’s report issued in relation to the above...
This matter concerned a trade mark application filed by Texas Instruments Incorporated for the trade mark covering goods in...
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Licensed and sublicensed to sue
This case provides some further interesting consideration of exclusive licences and consideration of the position of an exclusive sublicensee of a patent. Section 120 of the Patents Act 1990...
This case provides some further interesting consideration of exclusive licences and consideration of the position of an exclusive sublicensee...
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IP Australia releases Myriad Examination Guidelines
Following the recent public consultation in view of the Australian High Court’s decision in D’Arcy v Myriad Genetics (“Myriad”), IP Australia has released new examination guidelines for applications which...
Following the recent public consultation in view of the Australian High Court’s decision in D’Arcy v Myriad Genetics (“Myriad”),...
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New gTLD Sunrise Availability December 2015 – January 2016
Generic top-level domains (gTLD) such as .com, .net and .org typically cycle through a “Sunrise Period” prior to becoming available to the general public. The Sunrise Period allows trade...
Generic top-level domains (gTLD) such as .com, .net and .org typically cycle through a “Sunrise Period” prior to becoming...
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Important implications for IP holders & IP generators in the Australian Government’s new ‘National Innovation & Science Agenda’
In one of the Australian government’s largest announcements of 2015, nine different ministers yesterday launched a wide-ranging program of policy and budgetary measures designed to encourage innovation in Australian...
In one of the Australian government’s largest announcements of 2015, nine different ministers yesterday launched a wide-ranging program of...
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File Wrapper Estoppel Still Facing Obstacles in Australia
Background The doctrine of “file wrapper estoppel” (also called “prosecution history estoppel”) holds that submissions or amendments submitted by a patent owner to a court during patent enforcement proceedings should...
Background The doctrine of “file wrapper estoppel” (also called “prosecution history estoppel”) holds that submissions or amendments submitted by a...
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