A2 Corporation Ltd [2014] ATMO 94
A2 Corporation’s initial application for the trade mark TRUE A2 for semen products and veterinary services was rejected by the Trade Marks Office on the grounds that A2 is...
A2 Corporation’s initial application for the trade mark TRUE A2 for semen products and veterinary services was rejected by...
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Abbott Biologicals BV v Novartis AG [2014] ATMO 60 (26 June 2014)
This case involved an opposition filed by Abott Biologicals BV to the International Registration Designating Australia filed by Novartis AG in respect of the mark INFLUGARD, in respect of...
This case involved an opposition filed by Abott Biologicals BV to the International Registration Designating Australia filed by Novartis...
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MYRIAD: Isolated DNA Re-affirmed Patentable Subject Matter in Australia
In a decision published today, the Full Federal Court of Australia has dismissed an Appeal against the Federal Court decision of Justice Nicholas and thereby affirmed the patent eligibility...
In a decision published today, the Full Federal Court of Australia has dismissed an Appeal against the Federal Court...
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Myriad Genetics 18 Months On
Over 18 months ago the Australian Federal Court, in Cancer Voices Australia v Myriad Genetics Inc FCA 65 (15 February 2013) (“Myriad”), ruled that patent claims directed to...
Over 18 months ago the Australian Federal Court, in Cancer Voices Australia v Myriad Genetics Inc FCA 65...
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Indian Patent Office Guidelines for Examination of Pharmaceutical Inventions
A problem with the prosecution of Indian patent applications relating to pharmaceutical subject matter has been the inconsistent and non-uniform approach that has been adopted by the four offices...
A problem with the prosecution of Indian patent applications relating to pharmaceutical subject matter has been the inconsistent and...
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They Don’t Really Own MY Genes, do they?
No, not yours or anyone else’s. A gene patent does not give the patentee ownership of a gene in your body.
No, not yours or anyone else’s. A gene patent does not give the patentee ownership of a gene in...
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Swedish Biotech Exports – more than ABBA, IKEA and Volvo…?
For a small country such as Sweden, biotechnology, which accounts for 20% of Sweden’s net exports, occupies an important place in the Swedish economy. With a host of some...
For a small country such as Sweden, biotechnology, which accounts for 20% of Sweden’s net exports, occupies an important...
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The Gene Patents Debate in Australia – An Update
The patentability of genetic materials has been the subject of considerable community debate in Australia and elsewhere in recent years. Several inquiries have been held in Australia, including the...
The patentability of genetic materials has been the subject of considerable community debate in Australia and elsewhere in recent...
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Senate Committee says NO to Gene Patents Bill
Our News Alert of 25 November 2010 reported on the introduction of the Patent Amendment (Human Genes and Biological Materials) Bill 2010 to the Australian Parliament. The Bill proposes...
Our News Alert of 25 November 2010 reported on the introduction of the Patent Amendment (Human Genes and Biological...
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