Many Australian consumers may have heard or walked into a department store called David Jones. However, many Australian consumers may not have heard or walked into a small suburban...
Many Australian consumers may have heard or walked into a department store called David Jones. However, many Australian consumers...
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Sherpa Pty Ltd v Urban Sherpa Ltd (2017) NZIPOTM 25
Sherpa Pty Ltd (“Sherpa”) applied to register the SHERPA trade mark in Classes 9 and 39, under application No. 1021637. The application was opposed by Urban Sherpa Ltd...
Sherpa Pty Ltd (“Sherpa”) applied to register the SHERPA trade mark in Classes 9 and 39, under application No....
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Res Judicata in Trademark Cases in the Philippines
The Philippines Supreme Court’s Decision in Case Number G.R. No. 210693 (2017) found the principle of conclusiveness of judgment (Res Judicata) applies in trademark cases where there exist an...
The Philippines Supreme Court’s Decision in Case Number G.R. No. 210693 (2017) found the principle of conclusiveness of judgment...
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China announces measures to curb trade mark squatters
For many years, bad faith or squatter trade mark applications in China have plagued foreign businesses with some level of reputation overseas but who had yet to enter the...
For many years, bad faith or squatter trade mark applications in China have plagued foreign businesses with some level...
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Monster Energy Company v Ox Group Global Pty Limited (2017) NZHC 2393
Monster Energy Company (“Monster”) appealed against a decision of the NZ Trade Marks Office to dismiss its opposition to trade mark application No. 998778 for the following mark in...
Monster Energy Company (“Monster”) appealed against a decision of the NZ Trade Marks Office to dismiss its opposition to...
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Singapore Update – Bitter Decision for Starbucks
In a recent trade mark decision the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore, has rejected Starbucks’ case against Japanese dairy producer Morinaga Milk and its Mt Rainier trade mark. Starbucks Corporation...
In a recent trade mark decision the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore, has rejected Starbucks’ case against Japanese dairy...
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Red Bull GmbH v Bullsone Co., Ltd [2017] ATMO 121 (19 October 2017)
Bullsone applied to register the below trade mark covering a range of goods in Classes 1 (chemical additives), 3 (paint preparations), 4 (oils and lubricants), 5 (deodorants and insect...
Bullsone applied to register the below trade mark covering a range of goods in Classes 1 (chemical additives), 3...
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Raymond Hoser [2017] ATMO 87
Hoser applied to register his REPTILE MAN trade mark in connection with services in Classes 41 and 44.  The application was objected to by the Trade Marks Office on...
Hoser applied to register his REPTILE MAN trade mark in connection with services in Classes 41 and 44.  The...
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