Spruson & Ferguson appoints three Principals and makes 14 new promotions for 2021

Spruson & Ferguson is pleased to announce the appointment of three new Principals across the firm as part of the 2021 promotions.

The appointments were part of a broader group of fourteen promotions made firm-wide in the Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Singapore, Beijing and Hong Kong offices. Alongside the three Principal appointments, two Special Counsel, two Senior Associate and seven Associate promotions were announced.


  • Ken Bolton, Engineering/ICT – Sydney, Australia
    Ken is a highly experienced patent attorney, with a career in IP spanning 25 years. Since joining Spruson & Ferguson Ken as become a highly valued member of our Engineering/ICT team and is now responsible for some of the firms most valued clients.
  • May Chan, Trade Marks – Hong Kong SAR, China
    May has been with the firm for 12 years in Hong Kong and is an experienced and talented trade marks attorney. She has been involved extensively in trademark prosecution, opposition and invalidation proceedings in China, Hong Kong and Macau as well as other Asian countries.
  • Dr. Adelia Lin, Chemical/Life Sciences – Singapore
    Adelia has been with the firm for 9 years and qualified in Singapore after training with the firm. Her new role will add to the depth of the biotech leadership team in our Asian business.

Special Counsel

  • Jacqueline Chelebian, Spruson & Ferguson Lawyers – Melbourne, Australia
    Jacqueline is a commercial litigator, specialising in intellectual property disputes. She has acted in numerous contentious intellectual property matters including large-scale patent disputes and proceedings.
  • Cedric Yip, Trade Marks – Hong Kong SAR, China
    Cedric has been with Spruson & Ferguson for 17 years and is a valued contributor to the Hong Kong trade marks team. Cedric’s extensive experience includes trademark prosecution not only for Hong Kong and mainland China but also throughout Asia.

Senior Associates

  • Kristen Fu, Trade Marks – Beijing, China
    Kristen has been with Spruson & Ferguson for 4 years as a trade marks attorney based in our Beijing office. Throughout this time Kristen has shown significant leadership ability and is a valued member of the team.
  • Kua Han Chun, Engineering/ICT – Singapore
    Han Chun has been with Spruson & Ferguson for 8 years and is dual qualified in Singapore and Malaysia. He has made a significant contribution to the skills and experience of the mechanical team and is highly valued by the business.


The promotions to Associate this year recognise the growth and development of our junior attorneys, many of whom have recently become qualified.

  • Dr. Kate Baumann, Chemical/Life Sciences – Brisbane, Australia
  • Tatiana Dudina, Engineering/ICT – Sydney, Australia
  • Dr. Marie Kidd, Chemical/Life Sciences – Sydney, Australia
  • Chelsea Peters, Trade Marks – Brisbane, Australia
  • Chi Pu, Engineering/ICT – Sydney, Australia
  • Eric Shaw, Engineering/ICT – Brisbane, Australia
  • Vivian Tran, Trade Marks – Sydney, Australia

Kristian Robinson, Spruson & Ferguson Managing Director of Asia and Russell Davies, Managing Director of Australia acknowledge the great achievement made by all who were promoted in reaching the next stage in their careers, and recognise that Spruson & Ferguson is the true beneficiary of their career growth.

Spruson & Ferguson thanks these individuals for their technical strength and diligence which enabled them to produce such high-quality work and outstanding service to our clients. They are strong and valued contributors to their respective teams and to the firm.

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