Phishing email alert

We are aware that a phishing email impersonating Spruson & Ferguson is currently circulating. The email claiming to be from Spruson & Ferguson uses as the sending address and replicates a recent Covid-19 email sent out by us. However, the links in the email have been changed and instead anyone clicking the link is directed to a website that is not Spruson & Ferguson. Please note that:

  • All legitimate emails from Spruson & Ferguson are sent from an email address
  • We will never ask you for personal details such as date of birth or bank account information

Spruson & Ferguson is currently investigating this matter. Should you have any concerns please contact us.

How can I protect myself from phishing attacks?

  • Never follow a link that asks you to enter personal information
  • Do not reply to an email with your personal information
  • Do not click on links or open email attachments from unknown or unverified sources
  • Check that the email has been addressed specifically to you and not a generic ‘client’ or ‘customer’
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