New Facebook usernames and your trade marks
As you may be aware from recent media reports, from tomorrow Facebook will allow users to register a username as part of a second-level domain name, in the form...
As you may be aware from recent media reports, from tomorrow Facebook will allow users to register a username...
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Sigma Pharmaceuticals (Australia) v Wyeth
In the recent Australian Federal Court decision of Sigma Pharmaceuticals (Australia) Pty Ltd v Wyeth FCA 595, Wyeth were successful in preventing Sigma’s launch of a generic version...
In the recent Australian Federal Court decision of Sigma Pharmaceuticals (Australia) Pty Ltd v Wyeth FCA 595, Wyeth...
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Kimberly-Clarke Succeeds in Trade Mark Federal Court Appeal
The Federal Court recently handed down its decision in an important trade mark case involving leading global health and hygiene company Kimberly-Clark (K-C). The decision deals with trade mark...
The Federal Court recently handed down its decision in an important trade mark case involving leading global health and...
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Cutler Report on Australian Innovation System Released
Senator Kim Carr, Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, recently released the Cutler Report, which is a review of Australia's National Innovation System. An expert panel, led by...
Senator Kim Carr, Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, recently released the Cutler Report, which is a review...
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First Case to Deal with the Validity of Innovation Patents Handed Down
In the first case seeking to challenge an innovation patent on the basis of lack of innovative step, Spruson & Ferguson’s client, Delnorth successfully defended three innovation patents for...
In the first case seeking to challenge an innovation patent on the basis of lack of innovative step, Spruson...
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Accelerated Examination of Australian Patent Applications
Australian patent law has for some time now had a provision (regulation 3.17(2)) where examination of a patent application can be expedited at the applicant’s request. The Commissioner of...
Australian patent law has for some time now had a provision (regulation 3.17(2)) where examination of a patent application...
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US Court Strikes Down Sweeping Patent Rule Changes
Last year the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) tried to enact a raft of patent rule changes severely limiting the number of claims permitted in a U.S. patent...
Last year the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) tried to enact a raft of patent rule changes severely...
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Nufarm Ltd v Jurox Pty Ltd
It is common in patent specifications to include detailed examples of products that incorporate the invention that is claimed, and sometimes other examples are included for comparison purposes.
It is common in patent specifications to include detailed examples of products that incorporate the invention that is claimed,...
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